
Monday, June 13, 2011

Blog Update

I have new tabs at the top labeled "about me" and "portfolio."  They are linked to actual pages.  Blogger has come a long way over the years.

I'll try my best from now on to keep my paintings categorized and organized into the portfolio page/slides because they are all over the place now! I have been on a cleaning/organizing spree like no other these past few continues now on the blog!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

City Grocery Update 3

Do you remember City Grocery Update 2?  Probably not because it was over a YEAR AGO.  I kid you not.  What DID I do with this past year?
March 2010
May 2010
June 2011
I am vowing not to stop or rather START anything until I am finished!  I worked on it a little today.  It doesn't look like I did much but I did.  The white columns may be the last thing I tackle since I plan to do it with the opaque white and hope to cover any imperfections!   It will come together in the end much like Dad's Square Books picture.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hobby Lobby Birthday

I am SO very excited to paint this weekend and FINALLY finish one of my paintings (so I hope).  My upstairs has been 88 degrees...a HOT 88 degrees.  Currently it is 72.  We are in business thanks to a new AC coil!

My high school friend, Hayley, was in a wedding with me a couple weeks ago for another high school friend.  How well does she know me?  Well enough to gift me a Hobby Lobby gift card (very well)!

It had been entirely too long since I had been to Hobby Lobby.  I know this because they have rearranged and now carry a wide selection of LARGE canvases.  I need a larger house to store all my large paintings.  I love painting large canvases.  I left the store with a much needed disposable pallet and am going to get to replenish some of my paint which I desperately need.