
Monday, January 11, 2010

One minor and one major update

Major update first:
It appears I might be able to actually sew a thing or two.  I made the pillow to the right yesterday.  It's made of cream fleece. I have a throw LP(G) gave me in the same fabric monogrammed in brown so when I found this fleece on sale at Joann's, I knew it was meant to be.  I literally sat at my table and followed along with the instructional DVD on how to thread my bobbin and etc.  This pillow is the result.  Is it 100% quality? No.  But it's a start (especially at $11 total...fleece and 20 inch pillow insert)

Here is a view of the pillow on the couch. I am debating doing one for the other's just more usable than my other pottery barn pillows which are starting to look rough.

AND here is what I worked on until I started the sewing project....yep, still intimidating.  But like I've said, my favorite ones start out that way.  The easel makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the world.  ALL the difference!

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