I painted this weekend (had a GREAT weekend filled with adventures, parties and friends)! Once I have painting on the brain, ideas pop up at random times. Normally they happen in the shower or lying in bed. Today, however, they popped up as I was sitting at my desk. I write everything down and have a bit of an obsession with sticky notes. (They are one of the best inventions!) I wonder how many sticky notes I will accumulate this week between work and art (I have several on my office door)! Those are my random thoughts for the day. I will update you more of what I did this weekend at a later date!
My brain seems to work this way too! I'll get an idea and it'll have to go somewhere or fizzle out. I've gotten lazy though and only keep the ones that are persistent. Sticky notes are great, you could always to a piece of art with those! Great work by the way.