Thursday, July 17, 2008

hmmm...should I be worried?

A couple nights ago I noticed a very peculiar warning on my tube of white paint. I cannot quote the warning word for word BUT I do believe it went along the lines of "is proven to be a carcinegan in the state of not inhale....contains lead...etc."

I know most anything can be a carcingen if you expose yourself to toxic levels. But it definately made me go "hmmmm."

So I googled. (I google everything lately. Thank you, blackberry.)

Some very interesting articles came up, like they always do when you google. (Who are these people?!) I did check what looks to be a creditable Princeton. I think I should be ok.

No worries to all you guests who have stayed in my guest room. :) In two weeks you will no longer have to share your space with my art room. 3 1/2 years after buying my house I am going to get it. (Granted, I wouldn't take back the roomies for anything....)

Oh, and I painted more on the painting and have not gotten around to taking any pictures quite yet. Hopefully I will do that tonight. I am taking a break from working out before I kill myself...

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